park bench next to wooded area

Style Guidelines Page

Heading 1

Make sure to keep headings in order. Its better for accessibility and also makes more sense to the reader.

Heading 2

Some more text Vivamus quis cursus arcu. Vestibulum non magna eleifend, viverra ex vitae, ultricies neque. Curabitur porttitor maximus nunc a egestas. Aenean maximus maximus purus, a viverra diam finibus eget.

Heading 3

Some more text Vivamus quis cursus arcu.

  • Vestibulum non magna eleifend, viverra ex vitae,
  • ultricies neque. Curabitur porttitor maximus nunc a egestas.
  • Aenean maximus maximus purus, a viverra diam finibus eget.

Heading 4

“A testimonial blockquote Maecenas pretium nulla at ligula finibus, pellentesque porta tellus lacinia. Maecenas odio mauris, aliquet non tincidunt ut, commodo ut mi. ”

– Make sure to add a cite for the source

A Special Heading 4 that can be used with any heading level

For buttons that are used within text areas, use the style class “btn btn-blue” or others as indicated below

A blue button